Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Myth of Microwaving Baby Bottle

Many parenting books teach new parents not to use microwave to heat baby bottles. Why is it dangerous to use microwave for baby bottle? Two of the most popular reasons are:

1. Microwave breaks down the nutrients in the baby formula or breast milk.
2. Microwave does not heat evenly. Some spots in the bottle may be over heated while the outside of the bottle is still cold. The over hot liquid may hurt baby's mouth.

Neither of these two reasons is strong enough to prevent using microwave to heat up baby bottle. First of all, microwave has become a major household appliance. There is no solid scientific evidence showing the microwave damage the nutrients in baby formula or breast milk. Secondly, the over heated spots are easy to be removed if we shake the bottle for 30 seconds or longer after microwaving it.

The true problem is from the bottle itself. Most of the plastic bottles are not designed for microwave use. The big concern is many plastic bottle leaches out harmful chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA) especially under elevated temperature. BPA is a synthetic estrogen disruptor, which may impair the development of young baby.

Here is some guidance when using microwave for baby bottles:

1. Always choose glass baby bottles.

2. Never microwave a bottle longer than 20s each time. It takes a 1,700W microwave 10s to warm up a 4oz bottle from room temperature to just fine temperature.

3. Shake the bottle for at least 30s before feeding to the baby.

4. If you have a nagging wife, use the microwave just to heat up the water. And then use the warm water to prepare formula or warm breast milk.

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